Mud challenge (Go Wild for Maths!)

Hi greenthumbs. It’s dirtgirl here!

It’s Go Wild for Maths challenge time! Today, we’re doing the mud challenge. Mix up a batch of mud and engineer your own mud carport!

watch the mud episode

Watch the ‘Mud Challenge’ episode on ABC iview to see how to make your mud carport.

what you need to gather

Before you go outside, you’ll need to gather the following things:

A basket or fabric bag to collect your nature objects 

Old measuring cup, bowls, spoons, ice cube trays, chopping boards and a measuring stick  

A bucket 

A camera

Don’t forget to put on some clothes that can get grubby!

what to collect outside

Now it’s time to go outside and collect these things in nature:

3 to 4 cups of dirt and some sand

Some dry grass or straw 

Herbs, leaves and flowers to decorate your carport 

how to make your mud carport

There’s no one way to do this challenge, but here are some ideas to get you started.

  1. Find a spot near a tap or a bucket of water. Mix the dirt with a little bit of sand, water and dry grass or hay to make your mud mixture. Add your water gradually until you have the right mix. You don’t want it too runny! 

  2. Spoon your mud mixture into your ice cube trays to make mini mud bricks. Then wait until your mud bricks are dry and hard. You could sit your ice cube trays in the sun.  

  3. Once the bricks are hard, you can build your mud carport! You could decorate it with some nature objects and park a toy car inside.  

  4. Don’t forget to snap a photo of your mud carport! 

  5. When you’ve finished, wash your cups, bowls and spoons and pack them all away.  

say hello!

We love it when you share your adventures with us. Post any of your videos, photos or drawings to social media and tag them #dirtgirlworld #gowildformaths. Send me a letter to (under 3MB, our mailbox is tiny!). Or snail mail me at dirtgirl at dirtgirlworld C/O Whiporie PO, NSW AUSTRALIA 2469. Let me know if you are happy for me to share them online or if they are for my eyes only. I understand if you have family privacy rules and we always respect that!



Map challenge (Go Wild for Maths!)


Abacus challenge (Go Wild for Maths!)